Tuesday, April 19, 2011

38. About Using Metaphors

Organizational Metaphors
Mitch McCrimmon
Leaders Direct
Available online at: http://www.leadersdirect.com/organizational-metaphors

Now, reference to this web page seems a bit far fetched for the content and discussion topic of this blog. However, I truly believe that one fundamental instrument of approaches to online delivery, in adaptation modes or brand new courses offered online, not only for ESL but for a variety of subject areas, can all benefit from the idea of adoption metaphors as designing principles that people can refer to.

The article explores the use of metaphors for organizations, and online learning deliveries could be thought of as mini-structures that, when compared to visual ideas, can allow contributors and users to feel more at easy with how they are best supposed to work.

I hope you will enjoy the similarities and inspirational ideas that can be drawn from this article.

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